UPSC – Engineering Service Exam Syllabus:– Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced a notification for the Engineering Service Exam. Candidates who will appear in the UPSC Engineering Service Exam Exam they need to know Exam Syllabus for better preparation. Candidates are strongly advised to read the official notification for detailed information from the UPSC official website
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Exam Syllabus Engineering Service (ESE) Exam Syllabus |
Organization Name – Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Category – Exam Syllabus
Syllabus –
Civil Engineering – Contents for syllabi of both the Papers together for Preliminary Examination/Stage-I (objective type Paper-II) and separately for Main/Stage-examination (Conventional type Paper-I and Paper-II).
Paper – I
1.Building Material
2. Solid Mechanics
3. Structural Analysis
4. Design Of Steel Structures
5. Design of Concrete and Masonry structures
6. Construction Practice, Planning and Management
The flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro Power:
(a) Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, Pipe Flow, (b)Hydraulic Machines and Hydropower
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Environmental Engineering –
(a) Water Supply Engineering, (b) Waste Water Engineering, (c) Solid Waste Management, (d)Air, Noise pollution and Ecology
Geotechnical Engineering and Foundation Engineering
(a)Geotechnical Engineering, (b)Foundation Engineering
Surveying and Geology
(a) Surveying, (b)Geology
Transportation Engineering
Highways, Tunneling, Railways Systems, Harbours, Airports.
Mechanical Engineering –
Paper – I
1.Fluid Mechanics,
2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer
3.IC Engines, Refrigeration, and Air conditioning
4.Turbo Machinery
5.Power Plant Engineering
6.Renewable Sources of Energy
1. Engineering Mechanics
2. Engineering Materials
3. Mechanisms and Machines
4. Design of Machine Elements
5. Manufacturing Industrial and maintenance engineering
6. Mechatronics and Robotics
Electrical Engineering-
Paper – I
1. Engineering Mathematics
2. Electrical Materials
3. Electric Circuits and Fields
4. Electrical and Electronic Measurements
5. Computer Fundamentals,
6. Basic Electronics Engineering
1. Analog and Digital Electronics
2. Systems and Signal Processing,
3. Control Systems
4. Electrical Machines
5. Power Systems
6. Power Electronics and Drives
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Paper – I
1. Basic ElectronicsEngineering,
2. Basic Electrical Engineering
3. Materials Science
4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation,
5. Network Theory
6. Analog and Digital Circuits
1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems
2. Contro Systems
3. computer organization and Architecture
4. Electro Magnetics
5. AdvancedElectronicsTopics
6. Advanced Communication Topics.
=> Details Of Engineering Service Exam (ESE) Syllabus Follow PDF >> Click Here
=> Official website >> Click Here
Note:- The content given above is meant for informational purposes only in the interest of job seekers is not a recruitment agency and does not carry any recruiting syllabus is a news media that provides first-hand basic info on various recruitment’s Exam syllabus going all over India. Job seekers are requested to go to the official website of the UPSC for complete details & syllabus process.
More Details:– Candidates who are interested in Engineering Service Exam (ESE) needs to know exam syllabus. The Exam Syllabus will help the candidates to boost their confidence and enhance their preparation levels. For more details about Exam, candidates must visit the UPSC official website. |
UPSC – Combined Medical Service Exam Pattern & Syllabus Details:- Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced a notification for the recruitment of the Combined Medical Service Exam. Candidates who will appear in the UPSC Combined Medical Service Exam they need to know Exam Syllabus & Pattern for better preparation. Candidates are strongly advised to read the official notification for detailed information from the UPSC official website
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Exam Syllabus Combined Medical Services Exam Pattern & Syllabus |
Examination Details:-
The Examination shall be conducted according to the following parts –
Part -I & Part – II
Part -I >> A) Computer Based Test ( 500 Marks ) – The candidates will take the Computer-based examination in two Papers, each Paper carrying a maximum of 250 marks. Each Paper will be of two hours duration.
Part – II >> B) Personality Test ( 100 Marks ) – Personality test carrying 100 marks of such of the candidates who qualify on the results of the Computer-based examination.
A) Computer-Based Exam:- Paper – I Maximum Marks – 250
General Medicine & pediatrics ( Total question In paper – I = 120 (96 from General Medicine & 24 from Pediatrics)
Syllabus For Paper – I
General Medicine – (i)Cardiology (ii) Respiratory diseases (iii) Gastro-intestinal (iv) Genito-Urinary (v) Neurology (vi) Hematology (vii) Endocrinology (viii) Metabolic disorders (ix) Infections/Communicable Diseases a) Virus b) Rickets c) Bacterial d) Spirochetal e) Protozoan f) Metazoang) Fungus (x) Nutrition/Growth (xi) Diseases of the skin (Dermatology) (xii) Musculoskeletal System (xiii) Psychiatry (xiv) General (xv) Emergency Medicine (xvi) Common Poisoning (xvii) Snakebite (xviii) Tropical Medicine (xix) Critical Care Medicine (xx) Emphasis on medical procedures (xxi) Pathophysiological basis of diseases (xxii) Vaccines preventable diseases and Non vaccines preventable diseases (xxiii) Vitamin deficiency diseases (xxiv) In psychiatry include – Depression, psychosis, anxiety, bipolar diseases and Schizophrenia.
b) Pediatrics :- (i) Common childhood emergencies, (ii) Basic newborn care, (iii) Normal developmental milestones, (iv) Accidents and poisonings in children,(v) Birth defects and counseling including autism, (vi) Immunization in children, (vii) Recognizing children with special needs and management, and (viii) National programmes related to child health.
Paper-II:- Maximum Marks – 250
(a) Surgery (b) Gynaecology & Obstetrics (c) Preventive & Social Medicine Total questions in Paper II = 120 (40 questions from each part.)
Syllabus For Paper – II – (a) Surgery
(Surgery including ENT, Ophthalmology, Traumatology, and Orthopaedics) (I) General Surgery i) Wounds ii) Infections iii) Tumours iv) Lymphatic v) Blood vessels vi) Cysts/sinuses vii) Head and neck viii) Breast ix) Alimentary tract a) Oesophagus b) Stomach c) Intestines d) Anus e) Developmental x) Liver, Bile, Pancreas xi) Spleen xii) Peritoneum xiii) Abdominal wall xiv) Abdominal injuries (II) Urological Surgery (III) Neuro Surgery (IV) Otorhinolaryngology E.N.T. (V) Thoracic surgery (VI) Orthopedic surgery (VII) Ophthalmology (VIII) Anesthesiology (IX) Traumatology (X) Diagnosis and management of common surgical ailments (XI) Pre-operative and post-operative care of surgical patients (XII) Medicolegal and ethical issues of surgery (XIII) Wound healing (XIV) Fluid and electrolyte management in surgery (XV) Shock pathophysiology and management.
(b) Gynaecology & Obstetrics
1) Gynecology – i) Questions on applied anatomy ii) Questions on applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization iii) Questions on infections in genital tract iv) Questions on neoplasms in the genital tract v) Questions on displacement of the uterus vi) Normal delivery and safe delivery practices vii) High-risk pregnancy and management viii) Abortions ix) Intra Uterine growth retardation x) Medicolegal examination in body and Gynae including Rape.
2) Obstetrics – i) Ante-natal conditions ii) Intra-natal conditions iii) Post-natal conditions iv) Management of normal labours or complicated labour.
3) Family Planning –
i) Conventional contraceptives ii) U.D. and oral pills iii) Operative procedure, sterilization, and organization of programs in the urban and rural surroundings iv) Medical Termination of Pregnancy.
(c) Preventive & Social Medicine – I) Social and Community Medicine II) Concept of Health, Disease and Preventive Medicine III) Health Administration and Planning IV) General Epidemiology V) Demography and Health Statistics VI) Communicable Diseases VII) Environmental Health VIII) Nutrition and Health IX) Non-communicable diseases X) Occupational Health XI) Genetics and Health XII) International Health XIII) Medical Sociology and Health Education XIV) Maternal and Child Health XV) National Programmes XVI) Management of common health problems XVII) Ability to monitor national health programs, XVIII) Knowledge of maternal and child wellness XIX) Ability to recognize, investigate, report, plan and manage community health problems including malnutrition and emergencies.
>> The Computer-based examination in both the papers will be complete of objective (Multiple choice answers) type. The Question Papers (Test Booklets) will be set in English only.
Important Link –
UPSC Combined Medical Services Exam Details & Syllabus PDF >> Click Here
Official Website >> Click Here
Note:- The content given above is meant for informational purposes only in the interest of job seekers is not a recruitment agency and does not carry any recruiting syllabus is a news media that provides first-hand basic info on various recruitment’s Exam syllabus going all over India. Job seekers are requested to go to the official website of the UPSC for complete details & syllabus process.
More Details:- Candidates who are interested in UPSC Combined Medical Services Exam EXAM are read the notification carefully. For more details about UPSC Exam Syllabus & Pattern follow the UPSC official website
UPSC – CDS Exam Pattern & Syllabus Details:- Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced a notification for the recruitment of the CDS Exam.Candidates who will appear in the UPSC CDS EXAM they need to know Exam Syllabus & Pattern for better preparation. Candidates are strongly advised to read the official notification for detailed information from the UPSC official website
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Combined Defence Services (CDS ) Exam Pattern & Syllabus |
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is conducting Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination for recruitment of various vacancies under Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, and Officers Training Academy. CDS Exam Pattern are given below –
Exam Pattern:- >> Written Exam >> Intelligence & Personality Test.
Written Exam:-
>> Written Exam consists of Objective Type questions
>> One-third mark deducted for every incorrect response
The subjects of CDS written exam, the time allowed and the maximum marks allotted to each subject is tabulated below:
For Indian Military, Indian Naval and Air Force Academy
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
English | 2 Hours | 100 |
General Knowledge | 2 Hours | 100 |
Elementary Mathematics | 2 Hours | 100 |
For Officers’ Training Academy:-
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
English | 2 Hours | 100 |
General Knowledge | 2 Hours | 100 |
Intelligence & Personality Test:- SSB interview will be the 2nd part of the selection procedure. SSB Interview will contain two stages i.e. Stage 1 and Stage 2. Candidates qualify the stage 1 exam will be called for stage 2.
Stage I comprises of Officers Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests are Picture Perception Description Test (PP&DT). The candidates will be shortlisted based on a combination of performance in the OIR Test and PP&DT.
b. Stage II comprises of Interview, Group Testing Officers Tasks, Psychology Tests and the conference. These tests are conducted over 4 days.
The personality of the candidate is assessed by three different assessors viz. the interviewing Officer (IO), Group Testing Officer (GTO) and the Psychologist. There is no separate weight-age for each test. The marks are allotted by assessors only after taking into consideration the performance of the candidate holistically in all the tests.
Exam Syllabus:- The CDS syllabus details are given below –
Important Link |
Official Website:- |
Click Here |
More Details:- Candidates who are interested in UPSC CDS EXAM are read the notification carefully. For more details about UPSC CDS Exam Syllabus & Pattern follow the UPSC official website i.e. |